My Least Favorite Movies ( Or as I like to think of them - The Worst Movies Ever Made)

Well it serves me right for thinking these movies would be anything but bad bad BAD. These movies are far worse than the often mentioned Glitter, Swept Away & Gigli. They have almost no redeeming qualities. I've picked movies I've seen recently on TV or at the movies but basically just movies that bug the shit out of me.
Legally Blonde 2 Red white and blah(extremely awful)
Meet Joe Black (Brad Pitt must be a distant relative of Mischa Barton)
Bewitched (Will What's his name's schtick is getting old and tired quickly I laughed at his antics like 5 years ago when he was kinda sorta funny on SNL)
Wedding Crashers- Ya I liked this schtick in Old School but this is shite! Owen Wilson looks a bit too much like Ellen Degenerate & Vince has become a parody of himself. It's just not that funny!
The Stepford Wives- What happenend Nicky????
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