Heard 'Em Say

Halloween is officially over. DUNZO. BOO! Well it was fun while it lasted. It took me awhile to figure out what to wear and what not. And then boom! light bulb! why not take one of my own ideas. I previously posted some ideas for costumes with buzz in the '05 but I never thought of using one of 'em for myself. So I decided the only thing to do was dress as Kanye West complete with protest sign and all. Well it was a success if I do say so myself. It was quite the crowd pleaser. I of course got some dumbasses who thought they should let me know how great they thought Bush was, like I really care how much they love Georgie. I don't wanna hear how you think it's not true. I even had someone tell me "Why do you care you're not even black?" They were clearly looking for a debate but I wasn't about to get into a Tucker Carlson/ Jon Stewart thing at a party. No way Jose. That had to be the funniest thing I heard all weekend. While I never planned to be such a lightning rod dressed as Kanye I embraced for what it was. I got to party with the Luny Tunes and Big Boy at an afterparty at Kush. Kush had a good vibe going on on Saturday, The Creeps and Supaphat played and I saw many great costumes over the weekend: Bjork, Richard Simmons, Marilyn Monroe, a Britney, a buttload of Jessica Simpsons, cowgirls, Daisy Dukes, DEVO, Hunter S. Thompson and Dr. Gonzo, a few Napolean Dynamites,some gangsters, a few Catwomen, geisha girls, some Willy Wonkas and oompa loompas (YAY!!) etc., etc. etcera.
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