Coo Coo Cool

Now I've downloaded the Photek remix of Gwen's "Cool." Which is really good and new wave and all that but not nearly as dreamy as the album version, video version or Richard X's remix. The Photek remix is more rock while the Richard X remix is more dance but it's all POP! The Photek remix sounds vaguely like a Cure song which suits me just fine. It's like a lovely white leather glove. Strike that it sounds tons like a Cure song and it more like a black glove, Robert Smith so shoulda added some flourishes to this. I know some of you might think that's beneath Robert but after you working with Blink-182, which he did there's nothing beneath you. I did like Blink 182's single "I Miss You" and the accompanying video. But it was all a Smashing Pumpkins/ The Cure ripoff. My favorite lyric from the song is I guess everyone's fav lyric "we can live like jack and sally..." sweet!!
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