I Know We're Cool...

I'm here watching Anderson Cooper 360 and looking for something new on the net and I hit the jackpot. I just finished downloading the most amazing thing I've heard all month. Richard X's remix of Gwen Stefani's "Cool." The Richard X remix of "Cool" is brilliant. It's for everyone who wanted to rush to the dancefloor when "Cool" came on the loudspeakers but didn't really wanna slow dance. I read about it at Towleroad who read about it at Fluxblog who got it from iTunes. It's super kawaii. It's at the iTunes music store and the single drops Sept. 20. I love the single artwork. It's kinda cheap just ripping a still image from the video but Gwen looks really hot. I love the old school record vibe the single has, very extra Italian cool kinda like the video. The sleeve looks like an old Frank Sinatra record.
I'm really pissed at iTunes though for not alerting me to this. Stefani is on my artist alerts and I didn't get wind of this till I hit my favorite blogs. I never ever get artist alerts on time, so I ask you, why iTunes, WHY??? The Richard X remix is not on the single though it's only at iTunes and Fluxblog. I wonder why that is??? The remix is really good, it makes the song even more new wave. It totally adds a new dimension to the song. I can't wait for Gwen in concert.
p.s. Why hasn't Gwen Stefani released a video version of "Cool" with the really good cinematic intro that's not on the record??? I need that intro!!!
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