Anna Get Your Gun...Quick Bitch!!!

Well Miss Anna was hit in the face with a pie over the weekend. PETA finally fucking got her. They actually got Anna Wintour in the face. Those fucking crazy looney birds. And of course she was wearing fur during the debacle. I read about this & found the startling photo @ Bloody Brilliant!!! So now Miss Anna for sure does not like FAT PEOPLE, ANIMALS, PARIS & PETA.
Miss Anna not liking fat people is obvious but it also is backed up by a very reliable rotund resource: In one of my favorite sound bytes of all time Andre Leon Talley told Oprah "Miss Anna does not like fat people..." That's right up there with Wolf Blitzer's slip up during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina saying the victims of Katrina were just "so poor & so black..." right before going to commercial and the obvious Kanye West mad rant "George Bush does not care about black people..." This has been a great year for crazy talk.
Poor Wintour, not only are they filming The Devil Wears Prada but now this. Mizz Wintour needs to go get a witch doctor to give her a major cleansing cuz this year is ending terribly for her. What shall the Conde Nasty do about this all???
Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room, (9-1-05)
"so many of these people, almost all of them that we see, are so poor and they are so black, and this is going to raise lots of questions for people who are watching this story unfold."
found this over @
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