Let Them Eat Cake...

Well I'm quite excited about Sofia Coppola's new movie Marie Antoinette. I've been wondering about this movie since I first heard it was being made. I went over to http://www.imdb.com which is one of my favorite websites, to go and dig up some information. IMDB is an all powerful entertainment oracle, when in doubt IMDB it. Sofia Coppola cast Kirsten Dunst in the title role of Marie Antoinette. It seems Sofia went with a familar actress. I like Kirsten, she's not a brilliant actress, she's okay but I don't know if she can pull off the role of Marie Antoinette. Will she have to use a bad accent a la Madonna???
I'm intrigued by the story of Marie Antoinette. It's understandable considering I'm a big fan of Courtney Love (she used a picture of Marie for the album art for My Body The Hand Grenade), Madonna (Hello! Madonna's 1990 VMA performance!) and Tori Amos who have talked about Marie Antoinette. I want to go out and buy Antonia Fraser's biography which is the basis for the film. I hope the movie is really good. Now there has to be a movie about Anne Boleyn I heart costume dramas. Go check out http://www.marie--antoinette.de, use a translator because the page is not in English. I found this brilliant depiction of Marie-Antoinette @ http://www.amydewolfe.com:

You are using my illustration of Marie-Antoinette on your website. Much appreciated if you could credit me as the artist and provide a link to my site, www.amydewolfe.com, and also save the image to your own server as opposed to deep-linking to mine and increasing my bandwidth.
Much appreicated,
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