Shirley Manson posted a new diary entry on
garbage.com & of course it's a great read for any garbage fans out there. Here it is word for word.
October 19,2005Well what can I say here that hasn't already been said in a million and one interviews and hundreds of shows about
"Bleed Like Me" and the past year in which we promoted it? What a fucking crazy time.
From the top ten album entries to the sold out shows. From all the hand painted signs and the flowers and the gifts and the tears and the love and the stories and the giggles and the song requests and the sweat and the big smiles.Thankyou so much to our fans for making this year so memorable and exciting and worthwhile.Thankyou for giving us perspective and delighting us and even for moving us to tears at times.
This tour has been insane.Maybe our most insane to date which is really saying something, seeing as we have toured like maniacs for ten years and have seen everything there is to see on tour except maybe for the state of Alaska, some of the more exotic parts of India and Africa and that weird place that British Airways keeps sending my lost luggage.
Apologies once again to the fans in Seattle for the cancellation of our scheduled show way back in March due to the fact that a particularly virulent strain of european flu that I caught in London following our show at Scala. I was taken down and out by it . Despite the fact that I was quite literally desperate to play our first show on US soil in 3 years,I swear I was so weak I just couldn't pull myself out of bed for love nor money.
Thanks also to everyone who showed up to our
"why do you love me"video shoot. You were adorable and stoic and we love you for waiting around for so long and still being good natured about it.
Thanks also to everyone who's favourite song off the new record was
"bleed like me" because I know you and you've been there and you deserve a little extra in your stockings at christmas.Some people have accused me of overdramatizing in that song which always makes me smirk inside because anyone who would say something like that is unlucky enough to have cut themselves off from life and therefore will never understand what I'm talking about and I'm not exactly sure at this point that I even want them to.Let them eat cake and get their jollies off to Ashley Simpson.
Highlights of the year? Oh god.........................where do I start?!!!!
Well definitely the Olympia in Paris.Our first show in 3 years went off without a hitch and I felt like it was all a delicious dream and I was Maria Callas.
Playing at the Tabernacle in Atlanta the night our album entered the US charts at #4.
Siouxsie Sioux for the first time at the Brits and not feeling let down.She remains a wonder to me.
Making a video for
"Run Baby Run" by literally going on the run with Sophie Muller through London,Paris,Berlin and Istanbul.Laughing so much I thought I was going to be sick and having tea and cake in the tearoom of the Pera Palace Hotel and thinking that if life was always this bizarre I would be happy forever.
Playing on stage every night with Eric Avery.What a stud.
Debbie Harry come backstage after our show in NYC and telling me she enjoyed the show.
Visiting Budapest for the first time and falling in love with the city.It's unbelievbably beautiful.
My Chemical Romance play the Download festival at Castle Donnington and hearing the audience sing along with every word. (I love him.I love him.) Going on stage at a festival in Serbia at 3am during an unbelievable thunder storm.
Watching The San Antonio Spurs play live in the play offs on a multitude of telly's all over europe at a variety of different hours in the middle of the night.(I love Tim.I love Tim.) Flying over Paris at midnight in a private plane after performing at Glastonbury and being able to see the Eiffel Tower sparkle and shine through the clouds.
Hanging for an afternoon with my beloved Jack in Detroit and drinking way more vodka before a show than is considered prudent for a woman over 30.
Arcade Fire playing the KROQ Inland Invasion and being able to tell Will what a Captain Ahab-like figure on stage he is when he goes out there and gives it up with his wondrous band.
Hearing Juliette and the Licks and actually having to concede that there IS an actress out there who can actually make a decent rock record.
Playing every night to people who knew the words to all of our songs,including obscure B-sides.
Having Cameron Diaz shimmy up and tell me she loved me at a tv show in Australia. Very VERY cute.
Getting tons of really cool free shit at MOOKS headquarters in Melbourne,including a fabulously named pair of "shirley" jeans.
Singing four "Mash-Ups" with
Peaches for Amsterjam at Randals Island,NYC. It was such a joy to get to work with her. She is the shit and I was spellbound.
Drinking a bottle of pink champagne every night for 2 weeks straight every night during our tour of Australia.
Meeting Burt Reynolds at Leno and have him speak to me in an extremely convincing scottish accent.Very funny and very sweet and oh lordy lordy was he a hot piece back in the day.
I could go on and on but I won't.Suffice to say it's been a glorious year.
So what's next I hear you wondering? I have absolutely no fucking idea. All I know is that I have eaten more vegetables,fresh fruit and fish in the past two weeks since I got home than I have consumed in 10 months. My hair has stopped falling out,my nails have stopped breaking and I've beaten back yet another vile attack of peri-oral dermatitis! I am back working out with a trainer. I've seen my shrink more than once. I've been with my godchild to see the new Wallace and Grommit movie. I've played cards with girlfriends. I've beaten boyfriends at scrabble and I've caught up on all the tv shows I TIVOED whilst I've been gone. I've roasted a chicken and I've made pumpkin soup. I've gone picking apples in a beautiful Wisconsin orchard and I've gone to Motorcross,drunk Miller lite,ate brats and lusted at the riders tear up the tracks. I've burned through books and become insanely obsessed with Itunes which has become unfortunately, my very own rabbit hole within a rabbit hole and I pray it doesn't become my ruin. Oh yeah.....and I accidentally left a pot on the stove for 3 hours and came home to billowing black smoke and the realization that I had come dangerously close to burning down my appartment.
I guess I could go on and on but you get the picture.
I'm enjoying living a normal,grounded existence whilst trying to figure out what i want to do next.
As for the boys? I'll leave them to fill you in on their movements.
But for the time being.............WATCH OUT. Things aint done.
Deep deep heavy heavy thanks,
found this over at: http://www.garbage.com/news/journal.php?uid=324
I've always have loved Shirley's take on things & her great taste in music which has pushed me in very interesting directions.