Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
What The ?!?!?!?!?

So after seeing the video for The Pussycat Doll's "Don't Cha" a million times I realized something quite strange and unusual. In of the last scenes of the video what looks like it might be Cee-Lo who wrote & produced the song (I think) is shown wearing what appears to be a Siouxsie & the Banshees shirt & it's just not any Siouxsie shirt it's a really really good one. It is quite fetching despite being on good ol' Cee-Lo. I just thought it was so random but I guess Cee-Lo it quite the fan or will succumb to whatever a stylist says. The video is great and all but I think all the girls "looks" are rip-offs of ol' Gwen Stefani looks and sad to say j.Lo looks. I do miss the old Pussycat Dolls & their whole burlesque/ Berlin showgirl schtick. This new Spice Girls thing seemed so contrived & beneath them but I guess they no longer wanna lipsynch so much or do they wanna lipsycnh some more I dunno. The song is so catchy & really moves them onto dancefloors but Busta Rhymes seems so tired these days & I mean why him of all the let's make this a hit by having some random rapper throw a rhyme or 2 on this?? They were really great but I guess they wanna be the new Spice Girls. They wanna go for the big bucks not the LA trash street cred. Well it is one helluva catchy song written by Mr. Cee-lo.
Instead of writing really catchy pop songs Mr. Lo should try to tame that brat of kid he has that came out in the last season of My Super Sweet 16. Awful girl quite like the ones in Willy Wonka. Anyway the t-shirt kinda reminds me of the one worn by the lead singer of A.F.I. a few years ago at a MTV Video Music Awards show. It took me like forever to get this picture but I finally did thanks to my nifty Harajuku Lovers digi cam & OnDemand which is the shit & the pause button on my remote. I tried finding a screencap on the net with no luck. Fuck the internet. No good for nothing internet.
Happy Birthday Madonna!!!

Happy Birthday to Madonna!!! (Or Esther, Madge, Maddie what does she go by to her fans nowadays???) She's what 47/ 48- Do the math -she was born in '58. My new issue of Blender came in yesterday & it had a great full page picture of Madonna from her debut album on pg. 30. (The above pic is from the same photo shoot for her debut album) I think it's kismet or something. R.I.P. to Elvis who passed away on this day in 1977. Long live the King!! Long Live the Queen of Pop. She's always going to be cool.
All Hail The Queen Bee!

I've decided to start a new feature after getting so bored w/ blogging in general & my ill-fated pink pic of the week bullshit. Now it's all about Redheads. So in tribute of the power of redheads the new feature will be the redhead of the week or day I still haven't decided since I love many a redhead from afar & I want to blog about them NOW!!! But I also don't wanna run out of material too early. I'm not alone on the redhead thing I read at, a rumor Madonna might have red hair on her new album cover for Confessions On A Dancefloor.
So to inaugurate the feature this week/ day's redhead is none other than Shirley Manson!!! She's the best singer in rock music right now & one of the best lyricists and all around great rock stars. Garbage albums are always so dangerous & sexy. She's like one of the first redheads I fell in love with. Redheads just do it better. I mean hello she gave me the feather boa off her back during a show. It was in Houston, Texas November something. 2001 or 2002? I can't remember right now. I have to go and look for the ticket stub. It was one of the best shows I've been to not just cause of the baby pink boa. The Distillers opened the show, then it was an amazing set by garbage, topped off by No Doubt. Brody, Shirley, & Gwen were all in top form. It was an amazing bill and it fit me like the most perfect glove. I was really into each band at the time. I love that Shirley has now gone back to her natural red hair that's the Shirley I fell in love with back in '95 when my friend Jackie & I first heard "only happy when it rains" & I went out & bought the single at a Music Land or Sam Goody whilst on a school trip out of town. The last time I saw her in concert her hair was in a transitional period, no longer the baby blonde which I also loved. I loved that she just cut it all off & bleached it baby blonde. It reminded me of Siouxsie Sioux when she appeared on that show with the Sex Pistols with that Grundy guy or something. I saw that old news clip where they peppered the interview with a couple of obscenities and what not & got into all that trouble. Siouxsie was part of their entourage & she looked insane in her bleached hair & wild outfit & I thought to myself: popstars no longer take chances with their "image" & then Shirley went & recreated the the look & I was floored. It's too bad that she no longer posts her web diaries at At least I haven't bumped into them. They were really good reads. I do love love love the look of the website & all the new videos for their singles which are really really good. I love the nod Shirley sent out to the greatest one of them all Debbie Harry. I can't wait to hear the mashup performance Garbage are doing with Peaches. I love love love Peaches & it's cuz of Shirley that I was first introduced to Peaches after reading about her in one of Shirley's web diaries. Cuz of her enthusiasm I was turned on to Peaches. Thank You Shirley!!!
Monday, August 08, 2005
Confessions On A Dancefloor

Well this ol' news but good news nonetheless. Her Madgesty, The Queen of Pop has officially announced her album is going to drop (that's what the kids say for release) this November 15th. And it's going to be a dance record!!! Her new single is called "Hung Up," might it be about her hanging up her cone bra?, her ratty Kaballah bracelet?, her pop career?, the phone?, only time will tell. It will hit radio Oct. 17th but for sure not here in the sticks. She's on the cover of Vogue looking quite demure. Her new documentary is called I'm Going to Tell You Secret because Overexposed was taken.

Just kidding, I love Madonna!!!! After 20 something years I'm still interested. Ms. Ciccone excuse me- Mrs. Ritchie has hutzpah.
Things That Make U Go Hmmm...
I just realized that Queens of the Stone Age's "Little Sister" sounds eerily a little too much like Wild Swans "The Revolutionary Spirit." It's mostly in the chrous. (Thank U very much music choice- Retroactive my fav station it was called new wave b4 but now retroactive) Queens of the Stone Age's "Little Sister" also kinda sounds like Courtney Love's "Mono." Anybody else think so?

How could something this good be ending so soon. Being Bobby Brown is brilliant. I must admit I was a bit skeptical of the idea before the show aired but once I saw the debut I was hooked. I still can't believe Whitney is on a reality show. With a set of pipes like hers she need not be but she's right there front & center for her man, Bobby & Whitney are just so charismatic. They're insane. Bananas! After seeing the show I went out & dug up a whole bunch of old schooI Bobby & Whitney pop songs. I hate reality shows they just don't do anything for me but Bx3 is just so good. I guess I hate when reality tv makes boring white people believe they're celebrities when they're so boring and lack any talent. Don't get me wrong I have been on Real World train for like 10 yrs. now but other than that & bx3 and a lil' bit of newlyweds I hate the stuff.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
"Be A Model Or Just Look Like One..."

"A model what?..a model citizen...a model home...a model airplane?..."
At home watching E! They're giving True Hollywood Story: Supermodels. My favorites are Twiggy, Kate Moss (they have such great faces) & Naomi Campbell (Need I explain?). "Why are you so fascinated with the models?" "I just love 'em. They're just beautiful."

Well I stumbled upon this looney toon years ago in some magazine & then in Moby's video for "We Are All Made of Stars" so I decided to google her see if she's still alive or what not. Well I found her at She's quite a character to say the least. I've read she can be seen down the Sunset Strip in her pink corvette or on billboards. She's LA royalty. She is Hollywood!
My Least Favorite Movies ( Or as I like to think of them - The Worst Movies Ever Made)

Well it serves me right for thinking these movies would be anything but bad bad BAD. These movies are far worse than the often mentioned Glitter, Swept Away & Gigli. They have almost no redeeming qualities. I've picked movies I've seen recently on TV or at the movies but basically just movies that bug the shit out of me.
Legally Blonde 2 Red white and blah(extremely awful)
Meet Joe Black (Brad Pitt must be a distant relative of Mischa Barton)
Bewitched (Will What's his name's schtick is getting old and tired quickly I laughed at his antics like 5 years ago when he was kinda sorta funny on SNL)
Wedding Crashers- Ya I liked this schtick in Old School but this is shite! Owen Wilson looks a bit too much like Ellen Degenerate & Vince has become a parody of himself. It's just not that funny!
The Stepford Wives- What happenend Nicky????